LeadCenter enables you to create and automate events to send to your contacts. These events and seminars serve as one of the main channels for client interaction. To utilize these events to their fullest, you need to balance the cost of an event with the number of attendees. This also helps you monitor the conversion rate and is a great marketing tracking tool for your financial advisory firm.

Let’s explore the Events & Seminars feature:

Events & Seminars

Follow the steps given below to access Events & Seminars:

  1. Log into your LeadCenter account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click on Events & Seminars.

  3. You’ll see the list of Events & Seminars.
  4. Use the Year, Month, Type, and Status dropdowns to search for a specific event.

Create a new event

  1. On the Events & Seminars main page, click on the Add New Event button.
  2. You’ll be directed to a page with the event form.
  3. Fill in the following information:
    • Event name: Write the name of the event.
    • Event type: Select an event type from the dropdown. For example, a workshop.
    • Event status: Select the status of the event. For example, scheduled, completed, etc.
    • Start date: Select the date when the event will take place.
    • Start time: Select the time when the event will start.
    • End date: Select the date when the event will end.
    • End time: Select the time when the event will end.

  4. In addition to the above-mentioned mandatory fields, you can also submit information regarding venue, description, and agenda.
  5. Slide the toggle next to Is a virtual event?, if this is a webinar or a live stream event.

Send emails based on event status

  1. Scroll down on the event form to the Email Confirmations section.
  2. Slide the toggle next to the required event status to turn it on.
  3. Click on the Select email template dropdown and choose the required email template to send to prospects.
  4. Fill in the Notes field to document additional details or specific instructions.
  5. Click Save to create the event or Cancel to go back.

Refer to the article Creating Email Templates to create customizable email templates.

Three-dot menu

On the Events & Seminars main page, you'll find a three-dot menu next to each event.

Let’s see how these options work:

Edit an event

To edit an event, follow these steps:

  1. On the Events & Seminars main page, click on the three-dot menu next to the event you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit from the options.
  3. Proceed to make changes as required.
  4. Click Save to confirm the changes made or Cancel to go back.


  1. On the Events & Seminars main page, click on the three-dot menu next to the event you want to see the attendees of.
  2. Select Attendees from the options.
  3. Click on Actions next to the required attendee and select the required action:

    • Change status: Upon clicking this, you'll be prompted to select a status from the dropdown.

    • Remove: Choose this option to remove an attendee.

    • Add notes: Write down any specific details using this option.

    • Move to different event: Use this option to move this attendee to a different event.

  4. Click Save to confirm the changes made or Cancel to go back.


  1. On the Events & Seminars main page, click on the three-dot menu next to the event you want to add a new cost to.
  2. Select Cost from the options.
  3. You’ll be directed to the Event Cost page.
  4. Click on the Add New Cost button.
  5. A modal will open.
  6. Fill in the required information.
  7. Click Save to add the cost or Cancel to go back.

Delete an event

  1. On the Events & Seminars main page, click on the three-dot menu next to the event you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete from the options.
  3. A dialogue box will open prompting you to confirm.
  4. Click Yes, Delete to delete this event, or Cancel to go back.

Add organizers

  1. A modal will open.
  2. Click on Select User dropdown to choose an organizer from a list of users already added to this account.
  3. Click Save to confirm or Cancel to go back.

  1. Click Remove next to the organizer’s name.

  2. A dialogue box will open prompting you to confirm.

  3. Click Yes, Remove to remove the organizer, or Cancel to go back.

Add a new event type

Here are the step-by-step instructions to add a new event type:

  1. Click on Setup in the left navigation panel.

  2. Navigate to Event types under the Basic Settings tab.

  3. On the Event Types main page, click on the Add New Event Type button in the top right corner.

  4. A modal will open.

  5. Write the name of the event type and click Save to confirm or Cancel to go back.

To help financial advisors with collecting client information, LeadCenter presents a solution in the form of a Financial Questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to save both your and your client’s time. It allows your clients to fill out the information at their own pace, taking as much time as they need. Once they submit the form with complete information, you can take time to better understand their financial needs and create a plan that best suits their unique requirements.

Let’s see how this works:

Access the financial questionnaire

  1. Log into your LeadCenter.AI account.
  2. Click on the Pipeline dropdown in the left navigation panel and select any of the mentioned options.
  3. On the Leads page, click on any Lead ID to open lead details.
  4. Click on the Financial Questionnaire in the left side pane.
  5. Copy the Financial Questionnaire link from the right side pain and send it to your lead. Note: The system generates a unique link to the questionnaire for each lead.
  6. When a prospect clicks on the link, the financial questionnaire will open in a new tab.

Let’s see what this questionnaire entails:


The financial questionnaire is a multi-layered form with sections containing specific questions regarding your lead’s personal and financial details. You’ll find these sections listed in the left-side pane. You can move to any section by clicking on it and filling out the details as you go.

Let’s explore these sections:


This section contains information regarding the terms, conditions, and privacy policy. This is a disclaimer for you to understand the scope of information sharing and make an informed decision based on that.

Contact Information

This section contains different fields to fill in contact information. You can provide your contact details to enhance reachability. This information contains your first and last name, phone number, date of birth, etc.

Please note that the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory to fill in.


This section collects details regarding your family members. It helps your financial advisor to create a plan based on your family situation. For example, if you have a dependent family member.

Legal Items

You’ll see Yes/No questions in this section about the legal documents you have.

Additional Items

The additional items here refer to various legal documents or certificates that you might need to notify your financial advisor about.

Cash Flow

Use this section to submit your income and expenses information. This is to give a clear idea to your financial advisor about whether your monthly income is sufficient for your expenses.

Life Events

This section contains questions regarding life changes you may experience. This allows your advisor to tailor a plan that specifically caters to these changes and their financial impact. There’s a list of events and you can check all the boxes that apply.


Here you submit information regarding your net worth. This will include any and all accounts you’re currently holding and the properties you possess.

Additional Information

Use this section to enter details like your income goal after retirement and your beneficiaries, etc.


As the name suggests, you can check boxes for your top three concerns in this section. This helps your financial advisor create a plan to manage these concerns.


Use this section to address your financial priorities. The scoring system allows you to select a number between 1 and 9 to clearly communicate your top priorities.


This section enables you to define your financial goals and the risk factors you want to steer clear of.

Review & Submit

This is the last step in submitting your questionnaire. You can move to other sections and edit your answers accordingly.

LeadCentre.AI’s feature to send and receive E-mails, allows users to send and receive E-mails directly from the LeadCentre.AI interface. To send any E-mail from LeadCentre.AI, the user needs to configure an email-sending account, see Configuring Personal Level Email Account.
The LeadCenter.AI Emails section allows the user to :

It also allows you to filter Emails based on their Stage, Email ID, Outgoing and Incoming, and Sort. Each filter drop-down option, lets you choose and filter the required Email. It also displays the total number of sent and received emails, open rate, and CTR.
Sending and Receiving E-mails

Viewing Emails Details

The LeadCentre.AI Emails page displays the list of sent and received Emails for each lead.
To view the Email Details, do the following;

  1. On LeadCenter.AI, go to Emails
    The Emails page is displayed.
  2. Click on a Lead ID.
    Sending and Receiving E-mails
    The Lead Details page is displayed.
    Sending and Receiving E-mails
  3. Scroll and go to the Emails section.
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow to view the email details.
    Sending and Receiving E-mails

Sending Emails

To send an Email, do the following;

  1. On LeadCenter.AI, go to Emails
    The Emails page is displayed.
  2. On the Lead ID entries table, click on the Reply button.
    Sending and Receiving E-mails
  3. Compose the Email; do the following
    Click on the Shortcodes drop-down list to use shortcodes for the message. The Shortcodes drop-down is available only for Replying to Emails.
  4. Click on Send Email button to send the Email.

LeadCentre.AI's feature to send and receive SMS, allows users to send and receive SMS directly from the LeadCentre.AI interface. To send any SMS from LeadCentre.AI, the user needs to add a virtual number, see Configuring Call Redirect (Virtual Phone Number) to capture Phone Leads.
The LeadCenter.AI SMS section allows the user to :

It also allows you to filter SMSs based on their Stage, Virtual Number, Status, and SMS type. Each filter drop-down option, lets you choose and filter the required SMS. It also displays the total number of sent and received SMS.
Sending and Receiving SMS

Sending and Receiving SMS

The LeadCentre.AI SMS page displays the list of sent and received SMS for each lead. Click on the drop-down arrow on the Lead ID to view the chain of SMS sent and received.

Sending or Replying to SMS

To send or reply to an SMS, do the following;

  1. On LeadCenter.AI, go to SMS
    The SMS page is displayed.
  2. On the Lead ID entries table, click on the Reply button OR Send SMS button.
    Sending and Receiving SMS
  3. Compose the SMS; do the following
    • Select the Virtual Number from the list of configured numbers. To add the virtual number, see Configuring Call Redirect (Virtual Phone Number) to capture Phone Leads.
    • Enter the "To" number. Select the country and enter the number.
    • Select a template from the Template drop-down list. To add an SMS template, see Creating SMS Templates.
    • Enter the message in the Message box. The estimated price for the SMS will be displayed on the right side under the box. A preview of the message will be displayed on the right side under the Preview box.
    • Choose Files and add an attachment.
      Sending and Receiving SMS
      Click on the Shortcodes drop-down list to use shortcodes for the message. The Shortcodes drop-down is available only for Replying to SMS.
  4. Click on Send SMS button to send the SMS.

Sending SMS to a Lead

To send an SMS to a lead, do the following;

  1. On LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads > All
    The Leads page is displayed.
  2. On the Lead table, click on Sending and Receiving SMS > Send SMS.
    Sending and Receiving SMS
  3. Compose the SMS. See Step 3 in Sending or Replying to SMS.
  4. Click on Send SMS button to send the SMS.

LeadCenter.AI, Lead Intelligence feature provides the user with more intelligent information about a lead in various forms like the following:

Phone Call Intelligence

Whenever you receive a call on the virtual number, you can get more information about the lead the Phone Number, its Validity, Type, Owner Name, Phone Owner Type, Carrier, and State. You can also see the verified date of the phone number by the registered carrier.

Lead Intelligence

Phone Call Intelligence also has the functionality of call recording and call transcription. This recording provides information about the lead like the lead ID, Status of the call(ACCEPTED/REJECTED), call arrival, call duration, play recording, call confidence (accuracy of the call), and call transcription.

Lead Intelligence

Email Intelligence

Whenever you receive an email, you can get more information about the lead's email ID, like the Email ID and its validity. You can also see the verified date of the email ID through the provider.

Lead Intelligence

LeadCenter.AI allows managing tasks for all your employees or yourself by creating a to-do list. A to-do list helps to organize your tasks efficiently and effectively.
The Tasks page, displays the list of all the created tasks, a count of all the tasks in pending, completed, and canceled state, a filter to sort the task according to the owner, and the options to create, update, delete a task, assign an owner and modify the status.

Managing Tasks Figure 53

Creating a Task

To create a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Create Task to create a new task
    The Create Task page is displayed.
  3. [OPTIONAL] Select a default autofill task from the list
    It lists some default tasks that when selected will autofill the Task Details section, which also can be modified or changed according to user requirements.

    Managing Tasks Figure 54

  4. In the Task Details section, enter the field information;
    • Title:  Enter a title for the task for example; “Send an email to XXX lead”.
    • Due At: Select the due date and time of the task.
    • Owner: Select the owner to whom the task will be assigned from the drop-down list.
    • Status: Select a relevant status for the task for example; Not Started, Under Progress, Completed, Cancelled.
    • Notes: Enter any notes or comments if you have any.

      Managing Tasks Figure 55

  5. Do a review and click Save Changes.
    A message will be displayed “Task Created Successfully”.
  6. To view the details of the task click on the down arrow.

    Managing Tasks Figure 56

Updating a Task

To update a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be edited and click Update Task

    Managing Tasks Figure 57

    The Update Task page is displayed.
  3. Edit and update the changes for this task and click Save Changes

    Managing Tasks Figure 58

    A successful messageTask updated successfullyis displayed.

Assigning  Owner to a Task

To assign an owner, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be assigned and click Assign Owner

    Managing Tasks Figure 59

    The Assign Task Owner page is displayed.
  3. Select the new owner from the Task Owner drop-down list and click the Assign New Owner button.

    Managing Tasks Figure 60

    A successful messageOwner assigned successfullyis displayed.
  4. From the Owner drop-down list select the new owner and the task will be shown assigned to the selected owner.

    Managing Tasks Figure 61

    The newly assigned owner:

    Managing Tasks Figure 62

Deleting a Task

To delete a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be deleted and click Delete Task

    Managing Tasks Figure 63

    A successful messageTask deleted successfullyis displayed.

Changing Task Status

To change the task of status, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be edited and click the task status to be updated(Not Started, Under Progress, Completed, and Cancelled)

    Managing Tasks Figure 64

    A successful messageTask status changed successfullyis displayed.

    Managing Tasks Figure 65

Assigning Task to  a Lead

To assign a task to a lead, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads Dashboard
  2. Select a lead to create a task
    • Click Three Dots Icon and click Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 66

    • On the Lead Details page (for a lead), go to > Lead Actions > Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 67

    • On the Lead Details page (for a lead), scroll to the Task section and click Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 68

      The Create Task page is displayed.
  3. Fill in the field details for the lead and click Save Changes.

    Managing Tasks Figure 69

  4. A message will be displayed “Task Created Successfully”.

To verify if the task is created for the lead, go to Lead Detail(of the Lead from whom the task was created) and scroll to the Tasks section.

Managing Tasks Figure 70

The LeadCenter.AI Lead Management System which is defined as the "Leads" section allows you to manage the information related to leads. It allows you to manage the leads by sending e-mails, creating appointments, adding comments, updating the status of the leads, etc. 

To manage leads do the following;

  1.  On LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads
  2. Select the lead to manage click Actions and select the required option from the drop-down list.

The LeadCenter.AI's Lead Management System manages the following operations;

Adding Comments

To add any comments for a lead for example; if you had a meeting with the lead or call with the lead or sent an e-mail, you can add the comments by clicking on Add Comments. 
Managing Leads

Adding Tasks

LeadCenter.AI allows managing tasks for all your employees or yourself by creating a to-do list. A to-do list helps to organize your tasks efficiently and effectively. For more details on adding a task, see Managing Tasks.

Creating Appointments

To create appointments with leads you can create by clicking on Create Appointments. Add the required details to create an appointment with the lead by setting the date and time etc. For more details on creating appointments see creating a new appointment in Managing Appointments.

Forwarding Leads

You can share lead details with a colleague or an employee by clicking on Forward Lead. The Share by Email page is displayed where you can add the email ID of a colleague or an employee and even add a comment.
Managing Leads

Assigning Owner

LeadCenter.AI manages multiple owners. To assign an owner for the lead you can do by clicking on the Assign Lead Owner button. You can select the owner to whom you want to assign the lead from the drop-down list.
It also allows you to invite new users, click on "please click here" See Adding and Deleting Users to add an owner. 
Managing Leads

Updating Lead Information

You can update the information for example; basic information, address information, and Water Damage Enquiry Information for each lead by clicking on Update Lead.
Modify the information to be updated for the lead and click on the Save Changes button.
Managing Leads

Composing E-mail

You can also compose an e-mail from the LeadCenter.AI platform to the lead by clicking on Compose E-mail.
You can compose your text for the lead and Click on Send E-mail button to send out the e-mail to the lead. For more details to send e-mails, see Sending and Receiving E-mails.

Sending SMS (Short Message Service)

LeadCenter.AI Sending SMS is a premium feature. You will need to upgrade your site with a premium plan to send SMS to your lead.
Once you have upgraded to this premium service, you can send an SMS to your lead by clicking on Send SMS. You can compose your message and Click on Send SMS button to send out the SMS to the lead. For more details to send SMS, see Sending and Receiving SMS.

Run a Manual Action

LeadCenter.AI allows the user to run a manual action. Select the action to be executed and click on the Run button to run the manual action.
Managing Leads

Closing Lead

When you want to move a lead to a closed state, for example, won, disengaged stage, etc. you can close the lead by clicking on the Close Lead button.
Enter the Actual Revenue, Select Close Stage from the drop-down list, and click on the Close Lead button to close the lead.
Note: You can add the Actual Revenue as zero ($0) for other closed stages except Won Stage.
Managing Leads

Archiving Lead

LeadCenter.AI Lead Management System allows you to delete a lead. Whenever a lead needs to be removed click on the Delete Lead button.

Viewing Details

When you want to view the detailed information of a lead, you can view the lead details by clicking on the View Details button. Viewing Details displays the "View and Manage Your Lead" page which allows you to view and manage your lead. 
You can edit as well as get an overview of the lead along with customer information, appointments, additional information, customer inquiry, actions, comments, emails, and SMS information.

Adding Offline Lead

There are some instances where the lead is not generated from the online website forms, for example; you may have acquired the lead via an email campaign or call, etc. for which you have to manually add the lead in offline mode. 

By adding the new lead in offline mode in the LeadCenter.AI Lead Management System, you can track all your business here.

To add a lead in offline mode, do the following;

  1.  On LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads
  2. Click on the +Add New Lead button.
  3. Enter the Lead Basic Details, Address, and Custom Field information.
    Managing Leads
  4. Click on the Save Changes button to add the lead in offline mode.
    You have successfully added the new lead in offline mode.

Searching Leads

The Searching Lead section describes how to search lead information based on certain filters.
By default, the New stage filter under the Stage column filter will be displayed at the top of the list.

To search for leads, do the following;

  1.  On LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads
  2. Choose the options from the drop-down list of Stage, Came Between, Source, Category, Medium, Owner, Stalled For, etc.
  3. Enter the ID, Name, Email, Phone, or Company Name and press Enter on your keyboard.

    You have successfully searched the lead.

There are some instances where the lead is not generated from the online website forms, for example; you may have acquired the lead via an email campaign or call etc. for which you have to manually add the lead in offline mode. 

By adding the new lead in offline mode in the LeadCenter.AI Lead Management System, you can track all your business here.

To add a lead in offline mode, do the following;

  1. Go to LeadCenter.AI Store Manager page 
  2. Click on Setup 
    The LeadCenter.AI SETUP page is displayed.
  3. Click on Leads 
  4. Click on Add New Lead icon  to add a new lead in offline mode

    The Add New Lead window is displayed.
  5. Add the following details;
    Customer Name:  Enter the customer name.
    Customer Email: 
    Enter the email ID of the customer.
    Customer Mobile: 
    Enter the mobile number of the customer.
    Company Name: 
    Enter the company name.
    Choose the source from the drop-down list. See Setting Lead Sources for more details to add to this list.
    Expected Revenue (USD): 
    Enter the expected revenue from the customer.
    Interested in which service: 
    Select the service that the customer is interested in from the drop-down list
    Customer Enquiry : 
    Provide a description about the enquiry of the customer.
  6. Click on Add New Lead button to add the new lead in offline mode.
    The newly added lead will be displayed. You have successfully added the new lead in offline mode.

Searching Lead section describes how to search lead information based on certain filters.
By default the New stage filter under Stage column filter will be displayed at the top of the list.

Each of the filter options are explained below;

  1. Lead Stages (icons) : The Lead Management page displays all the stages above the Filter & Manage Leads section. You can click on any of the stage icons to filter based on each stage.
  2. Stage : This filter is used to search the lead information based on the particular stage. You can choose from the list of default stages. See Setting Lead Stages for more details on adding a new stage.
  3. Came Between : This filter is used to search the lead information based on the month, date, or day. There is a Custom option which allows you to customize the search option based on your selection. It allows you to choose the date and month and time from the Duration window which is displayed when you click on Custom filter.
  4. Source : This filter is used to search the lead information based on the source. You can choose from the list of default source information. See Setting Lead Sources for more details on adding a new source.
  5. Owner :Orxy Cloud Lead Management System allows you to have multiple owners for the your all your leads.  This filter is used to search lead information based on the owner of this lead. 
  6. Search Field : The search field box allows you to enter the required field to search for example; name, email or mobile number etc. Enter the required information to be searched and press Enter in your keyboard.
  7. Sort By : This filter allows you to sort the filters based on the Oldest First or Newest First drop-down list.

To search the leads, do the following;

  1. In the Orxy Cloud Store Manager click on Leads
  2. Go to the Filter & Manage Leads section
  3. Select the required filter option for the search and press Enter on your keyboard.
    For more information on the filter options see the list provided above.
    After you make the search the filtered leads will be displayed.
  4. To remove the filter click on this type of search filters .

LeadCenter.AI Lead Management Software is built with standard fields for each lead. If you would like to add more information about the lead, you can create custom fields that can be filled manually by an Agent. While LeadCenter.AI comes with standard fields, like name, phone number, and email address, you will probably want to add more of these as well as your own specialized fields. Common examples of custom fields include industry/vertical, company size, and referral information, but the exact use cases depend on what you are trying to accomplish.

The Custom Field Designer can be used to:

Designing the Custom Fields Page

To design a user-friendly custom page, you can:

Creating Custom Field

To create new custom fields or update existing custom fields, follow the steps below:

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup > Contact Management > Contact custom fields

    The Lead Custom Fields Designer page is displayed.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  2. To modify a group name click on the Edit icon button.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  3. Edit the title for the group and click on the Done button.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  4. To edit a row from a group, click on the Edit icon button; do the following
    On the Basic Details tab, Field Type, Label, Options, Show As
    Setting Up Custom Fields
    On the Validation Rules tab, check the checkbox if it is a mandatory field.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
    On the Sizing Info tab, you can modify column and offset widths for Mobiles, Tablets, and Desktop.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  5. To add a new column click on the +Add New Column button.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  6. Choose the number of rows and click on the Add Row button.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  7. To add a new group click on the +Add New Group button and repeat step 4.
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  8. Click on the Save Changes button.

If you don't click the Save Changes button, you will lose all the changes you made. Make sure not to close the Designer page before clicking on the Save Changes button.  

Editing a Lead

Now each time to edit a lead, you can fill in the custom fields for that lead.

  1. On LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads
  2. Select the lead to manage click Actions and select the required option from the drop-down list.
    Setting Up Custom FieldsThe Update Lead page is displayed.
    The new custom field groups will be under the standard fields section. 
    Setting Up Custom Fields
  3. Edit the changes and click on the Save Changes button.

Custom fields support the following data types

Data Input can be restricted from the Validation Rules with the following options

This section describes setting the lead stages.

There are two stages; open and closed. The Open stage is where the lead has not been closed yet and is still in a progress state. It consists of the New and In Progress stages.  On the other hand, the closed stage is when the lead is in the closed state, meaning you have scored the lead, or if you have not scored the lead, it will be displayed in one of the closed states. It consists of the Won, Lost, Disengaged, Duplicate, and Spam stages.

The stages are explained below:

Lead Stages

In the Lead Stages page, you should add a set of stages that a prospect moves through, as they progress from a new lead to a customer. Once each pipeline stage is completed, the prospect should be advanced to the next stage.

Adding a New Stage

By default, the stages which are mentioned above are displayed in the LeadCenter.AI Management System. It allows you to add a new stage according to your requirements to the existing stages.
To add a new stage, do the following:

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup > Lead Management > Stages
  2. Click on Add icon button to add a new stage.
  3. Add the following details.
    Name: Enter the name of the new stage
    Color: Choose the color from the given list
    Is Closed State: Slide to the right to mark it as a closed state
    Won or Lost Stage: Choose the radio button.
    Icons: Choose the icon for the new stage
    Setting Up Lead Stages
  4. Click on Add New Stage button to add the new stage. 
    The new stage will be added to the existing list of stages. You have successfully added the new stage.

Modifying a Stage

To modify a stage, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup > Lead Management > Stages
    The Lead Stages page is displayed.
  2. Select the stage to modify and click on the Edit button
  3. Modify the stage and click on the Save Changes button 
    You have successfully modified the stage.

Deleting a Stage

To delete a stage, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup > Lead Management > Stages
    The Lead Stages page is displayed.
  2. Select the stage to delete and click on the Delete button

    You have successfully deleted the stage.

This section describes setting the category for leads.

A lead category helps you to identify the customer's interests and the services they want. You can add a new category from the Categories page and specify a category for the lead.

Adding a new category

To add a new category, do the following;

  1. Go to the LeadCenter.AI Store Manager page 
  2. Click on Setup 
    The LeadCenter.AI SETUP page is displayed.
  3. Go to Leads > Category
    The Lead Categories page is displayed.
  4. To add a new category click on   or  

  5. Enter the Name of the Category, choose the ColorIcon and click 

    The newly added category is displayed on the Lead Categories page.

Editing a Category

To edit a category, do the following:

  1. Select the category to be edited and click 
  2. Edit the category and click  , after editing the category page.
    "Category Edited successfully" message will be displayed.

Deleting a Category

To delete a category, do the following:

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What is Lead Management System (CRM)?

Before we try to understand what lead management is, we should firstly know what leads are. A business lead is someone who is interested in the product or service that you are selling. Therefore lead management is basically the process of acquiring those leads, interacting with them, tracking them and thereby turning them into potential customer who buys your products.
In a lead management process a set of definitive steps are taken by organizations to engage with leads until they become customers. It includes:

  1. Capturing leads from multiple sources,
  2. Tracking all online and offline interactions, such as emails, website visits, phone calls and face-to-face meetings,
  3. Monitoring activities and behavior of the leads,
  4. Educating and engaging them. 

The Lead management system ensures to keeps all your leads, from all various sources in one place, by tracking their activities, and interests. This enables marketing and sales teams to work together on the leads by never missing out any interactions. On the other hand CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems do the same thing as lead management along with managing other things. They not only manage the complete customer lifecycle from acquiring to conversion, but beyond as well, by retaining the existing customer, find opportunities to up-sell wherever possible.

Therefore our LeadCenter.AI lead management software such as LeadCenter.AI CRM helps to automate the processes of lead management. 

How does lead management software work?

Let us understand the different stages in a lead management process in a bit more detail:

Identifying and Acquiring Leads:

The first most important stage is the first stage of identifying and acquiring the business leads. Based on the demographic and behavioral attributes along with the demonstrated interest of the lead, the sales and marketing team can agree upon the buying readiness of the business lead.

Tracking Leads:

After acquiring the leads, the lead tracking software starts tracking the activities and behavior of that lead. The lead management software automates the process of tracking a lead by populating data about the profile’s job title, location, social media profiles etc. It also their online activities like —pages visited, links clicked, resources downloaded and email engagement.

Qualify and Generate Leads:

The next step after acquiring leads is to qualify and generate the leads. This can be done by ranking the leads based on their interest in the product or service that you sell, lead’s buying history and their engagement with the company.

You can then generate those qualified leads by creating awareness for your products or services through advertisement, promotional events, PR campaigns, and various B2B and B2C marketing strategies and advertising campaigns.
Scoring Lead:Scoring leads is the carpe diem moment where you seize or in layman terms score your customer. At this stage, the leads are checked to identify if they are worth pursuing which makes them sales-ready leads. Some CRM or Lead Management software gives a score to each lead based on certain key indicators. For example; there are three leads with different job titles, a business owner, a quality expert and an intern, the score for the business owner will definitely be higher than the other two. So the quality score makes it evident that the business owner needs to be scored first. Although we cannot completely ignore the other two leads. But in a way quality and scoring saves time and helps to set the priorities properly to score the lead.


Some leads may not buy your product or service at the moment, but that can very easily change in the future. They are your leads whom you can lead into the nurturing cycle, and later pass it along to sales whenever they become sales-ready.
It is also the process of consistently engaging them across multiple channels by sharing content which interests them. This can be done through email campaigns, SMS or social media platform. 
Benefits of using a lead management system

Effective Lead Management:

Since in the generation process, we would have gathered enough information, it becomes easy to manage the leads. Otherwise to keep tabs on your leads is a struggle in itself. Also losing a quality lead in the shuffle can be really annoying. This is where the lead management software becomes very valuable as it closely tracks your who are closer to conversion thereby making a better use of your time and money.

Personalize Customer Interactions:

Personalizing customer interactions involves providing the customer a center stage and sending them tailor-made content based on their behaviors and attributes. These data were previously gathered by the lead management software right from the outset during the lead generation process. The discussions made with your leads can be stored for future reference, thereby enabling you to personalize customer interactions.


Transparency is very important in lead managementprocess. It is required to ensure a cleaner and healthier work culture in your company. The CRM software is automated software helps to assign the leads to the sales persons in a transparent manner. This helps to overlook the issue of managing workload at the workplace as well as personalization.

Effective Lead Nurturing:

Nurturing the potential leads that are likely to convert is a significant process now or in the future that becomes easier to handle with lead management software. Leads that are nurtured or educated by email marketing or campaigning are have more possibility to convert and may end up buying, than those leads that are not nurtured.

Saves Valuable Time:

Any type of automated process which here refers to the lead management software helps in saving a lot of time. It helps you to automate routine tasks thereby leaving you with more time to pursue the new leads and convert them into an actual business.

Key Functionalities in LeadCenter.AI Lead Management System  

  1. Searching Leads :  Searching Lead article describes how to search lead information based on certain filters.
  2. Introduction to Lead Management System (CRM) :  Introduction to Lead Management System article provides you an overview of the Orxy Cloud Lead Management System.
  3. Setting Lead Stages : Setting Lead Stages article provides information about setting the Lead Stages.
  4. Setting Lead Sources : Setting Lead Sources article provides information about setting the Lead Sources.
  5. Adding Offline Lead : This article provides information about adding leads in offline.
  6. Downloading Leads to Microsoft Excel: This article provides information on how to download leads in an excel .xls format.
  7. Configuring Call Redirect (Virtual Phone Number): This article provides information to configure redirecting calls to a virtual phone number.
  8. Configuring Email Redirect (Leads by Email) : This article provides information to configure redirecting emails.
  9. Managing Leads from the Store Manager: This article provides information to manage leads from the Store Manager.

The LeadCenter.AI Home page provides shortcuts to launch the tools required to automate lead capturing and intelligence.
To launch the tools click on the button.


The LeadCenter.AI Analytics section gives us insight into lead analytics like the number of leads generated per day, week, or month.
It also displays the Leads by Source, Stage, and Medium in a pie chart diagram. For more information about Analytics, see Lead Analytics.

Manage Leads

The LeadCenter.AI Lead Management system allows you to set the leads, stages, and sources. You can also manage leads from the Store Manager, and send Emails and Messages to leads. For more information about managing leads, see Introduction to Lead Management System (CRM).


The LeadCenter.AI Tasks section allows the user to create and manage tasks. For more information about creating and managing tasks, see Managing Tasks.


LeadCenter.AI Setup is the LeadCenter.AI Settings section, where you can configure your settings. It allows you to ;

For assistance, send an email to support@leadcenter.ai. or click on the Request Free Consultation button.

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