Domain Setup and DNS Records for your Website
A domain name and a hosting site is very important for your website. If you purchased a custom domain from a third-party provider, you can set up the domain and DNS records by following the instructions provided in the below topics.
Setting up the Domain
To set up the domain name, do the following;
- In LeadCenter.AI Store Manager > Website Builder, click Setup Domain.
The Setup Domain page is displayed. - Enter the domain name "https://......" as shown in the screenshot below
- Click Save Domain
The domain name is saved. - After adding domain name modify the DNS (Domain Name Server) Records.
What is DNS?
DNS (Domain Name System) allows users to connect to the websites using domain names instead of IP addresses. It translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.
Configuring DNS Records in GoDaddy
To configure the DNS Records in GoDaddy, do the following;
- Go to and login
- Click Domains > All Domains (drop-down)
- Click on your domain from your domain lists
The Domain Settings page will be displayed. - Click on Manage DNS
The DNS Management page is displayed.Make sure to delete any A or CNAME records that will conflict with the new records. It is recommended to take a snapshot of those records before you delete them.
- On the DNS Management page, click on the Add button
- Enter the information in the provided blank fields and click Save.
- Type: Select "A"
- Name/Host: Enter "@" for the root domain
- Points: Hosting server IP address (
- TTL: 1 Hour (do not modify this)
- To point www to your root domain. Click on Add again.
- Enter the information in the provided blank fields and click Save.
- Type: Select "CNAME"
- Name/Host: Enter "www"
- Points: Enter "@" to point to the root domain
- TTL: 1 Hour (do not modify this)
You have successfully modified the DNS records in GoDaddy.
Configuring DNS Records in Cloudflare
As Cloudflare provides extra features like free SSL, caching, firewall, etc. we highly recommend moving your DNS records to Cloudflare. As it is not a domain provider, you need to continue with the same for example; GoDaddy. Cloudflare will act as a proxy for security-related features. If you want to renew your domain you still need to go and renew it from the domain provider for example; GoDaddy.
Please click here for detailed instructions on how to change your domain nameservers to Cloudflare.
SSL/TLS encryption mode
When you create a new account in Cloudflare, it will take up to 48 hours to assign an SSL/TLS certificate to your account. Once a certificate is assigned, click on SSL/TLS in the main menu and change Your SSL/TLS encryption mode to Full.
Once your domain is active on Cloudflare, to modify the DNS records do the following;You need to create a Cloudflare account.
- Log in to Cloudflare and click Add Site +
- Enter the site name and click on Add Site
- Select the required plans and click Continue
A message will be displayed "Scanning for existing DNS records" - In the "Add more DNS records for xxxx.sxx" page click Continue button
- Click Confirm in the Add Records Later Dialog box.
- Move your nameservers from Cloudflare to your domain provider. See the below screenshot for reference.
- On the Cloudflare Quick Start Guide page, click Get Started and do the following;
- Automatic HTTPS Rewrites: Enabled and Save it
- Auto Minify: Check the check-boxes for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML and Save
- Brotli: Enabled (Do not change it) and click Finish.
- Click DNS
and click Add Record+
- Enter the information in the provided blank fields and click Save.
- Type: Select "CNAME"
- Name/Host: Enter "@" for the root domain
- Target:
- TTL: 1 Hour (do not modify this)
- Enter the information in the provided blank fields and click Save.
- Type: Select "CNAME"
- Name/Host: Enter "www"
- Target: Enter "@" to point to the root domain
- TTL: 1 Hour (do not modify this)
- Proxy Status: Proxied
You have successfully modified the DNS records in Cloudflare.
Additional Page Rules Configuration in Cloudflare
It is recommended to set up the following Page Rules in Cloudflare.
To set up the page rules in Cloudflare, do the following;
- Login to Cloudflare
- Click on Rules
icon > Create Page Rule
- Create the following page rules:
- Forwarding URL rule with 301 - Permanent Redirect from* to
- Another Forwarding URL rule with 301 - Permanent Redirect from* to
- Always Use the HTTPS rule. Apply to the URL
See the below screenshot for reference.
- After the changes click Save and Deploy.