LeadCenter.AI Knowledge Base
Lead Intelligence
LeadCenter.AI, Lead Intelligence feature provides the user with more intelligent information about a lead in various forms like the following:
Phone Call Intelligence
Whenever you receive a call on the virtual number, you can get more information about the lead the Phone Number, its Validity, Type, Owner Name, Phone Owner Type, Carrier, and State. You can also see the verified date of the phone number by the registered carrier.
Phone Call Intelligence also has the functionality of call recording and call transcription. This recording provides information about the lead like the lead ID, Status of the call(ACCEPTED/REJECTED), call arrival, call duration, play recording, call confidence (accuracy of the call), and call transcription.
Email Intelligence
Whenever you receive an email, you can get more information about the lead's email ID, like the Email ID and its validity. You can also see the verified date of the email ID through the provider.