LeadCenter.AI Knowledge Base


Managing Tasks

LeadCenter.AI allows managing tasks for all your employees or yourself by creating a to-do list. A to-do list helps to organize your tasks efficiently and effectively.
The Tasks page, displays the list of all the created tasks, a count of all the tasks in pending, completed, and canceled state, a filter to sort the task according to the owner, and the options to create, update, delete a task, assign an owner and modify the status.

Managing Tasks Figure 53

Creating a Task

To create a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Create Task to create a new task
    The Create Task page is displayed.
  3. [OPTIONAL] Select a default autofill task from the list
    It lists some default tasks that when selected will autofill the Task Details section, which also can be modified or changed according to user requirements.

    Managing Tasks Figure 54

  4. In the Task Details section, enter the field information;
    • Title:  Enter a title for the task for example; “Send an email to XXX lead”.
    • Due At: Select the due date and time of the task.
    • Owner: Select the owner to whom the task will be assigned from the drop-down list.
    • Status: Select a relevant status for the task for example; Not Started, Under Progress, Completed, Cancelled.
    • Notes: Enter any notes or comments if you have any.

      Managing Tasks Figure 55

  5. Do a review and click Save Changes.
    A message will be displayed “Task Created Successfully”.
  6. To view the details of the task click on the down arrow.

    Managing Tasks Figure 56

Updating a Task

To update a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be edited and click Update Task

    Managing Tasks Figure 57

    The Update Task page is displayed.
  3. Edit and update the changes for this task and click Save Changes

    Managing Tasks Figure 58

    A successful messageTask updated successfullyis displayed.

Assigning  Owner to a Task

To assign an owner, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be assigned and click Assign Owner

    Managing Tasks Figure 59

    The Assign Task Owner page is displayed.
  3. Select the new owner from the Task Owner drop-down list and click the Assign New Owner button.

    Managing Tasks Figure 60

    A successful messageOwner assigned successfullyis displayed.
  4. From the Owner drop-down list select the new owner and the task will be shown assigned to the selected owner.

    Managing Tasks Figure 61

    The newly assigned owner:

    Managing Tasks Figure 62

Deleting a Task

To delete a task, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be deleted and click Delete Task

    Managing Tasks Figure 63

    A successful messageTask deleted successfullyis displayed.

Changing Task Status

To change the task of status, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Tasks
  2. Click Three Dots Icon on the task to be edited and click the task status to be updated(Not Started, Under Progress, Completed, and Cancelled)

    Managing Tasks Figure 64

    A successful messageTask status changed successfullyis displayed.

    Managing Tasks Figure 65

Assigning Task to  a Lead

To assign a task to a lead, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Leads Dashboard
  2. Select a lead to create a task
    • Click Three Dots Icon and click Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 66

    • On the Lead Details page (for a lead), go to > Lead Actions > Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 67

    • On the Lead Details page (for a lead), scroll to the Task section and click Add Task

      Managing Tasks Figure 68

      The Create Task page is displayed.
  3. Fill in the field details for the lead and click Save Changes.

    Managing Tasks Figure 69

  4. A message will be displayed “Task Created Successfully”.

To verify if the task is created for the lead, go to Lead Detail(of the Lead from whom the task was created) and scroll to the Tasks section.

Managing Tasks Figure 70

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